Review on Studies on Mechanical Properties of SGP
DOI: 10.12677/HJCE.2015.43018, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 3,152  浏览: 11,253  国家科技经费支持
作者: 邵 筱, 陈素文:同济大学土木工程学院,上海
关键词: SGP力学性能温度敏感试验研究应变率相关SGP Mechanical Property Temperature Sensitive Experimental Study Strain-Rate Dependence
摘要: 聚乙烯醇缩丁醛中间膜(PVB)在过去几十年被广泛应用于夹层玻璃中。如今新型的离子性中间膜(SGP)较之PVB具有更好的强度和刚度,SGP的采用使得夹层玻璃从之前的仅仅作为安全玻璃发展为结构的一部分。基于其良好的力学性能,SGP在幕墙结构中得到越来越广泛的应用,特别是一些超高层和大型城市公共建筑。然而,到目前为止,对SGP的力学性能尚未有系统的研究,这对夹层玻璃的设计造成了一定困难。本文主要介绍了国内外关于SGP力学性能的研究现状,并根据试验目的和方法的不同进行了归纳总结。
Abstract: Polyvinyl butyral (PVB) has been widely adopted for interlayer in laminated glass in the past dec-ades. Nowadays, a new interlayer SentryGlas®Plus (SGP) has been developed, which has better stiffness and strength compared with PVB. SGP’s application makes laminated glass not only to be shatterproof glass, but to be a part of the structure. Due to its superior mechanical properties, SGP gains more and more application in curtain wall structures, especially in super high-rise buildings and large-scale public buildings. Nevertheless, there is no systematic study on SGP’s mechanical property, which causes some difficulties in the design of laminated glass. This paper reviews the present researches on mechanical performance of the SGP around the world.
文章引用:邵筱, 陈素文. SGP的力学性能研究综述[J]. 土木工程, 2015, 4(3): 143-150.


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