Lushan Brighter (East Valley Villas) Living Environment Analysis
DOI: 10.12677/GSER.2015.42007, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,729  浏览: 8,348  科研立项经费支持
作者: 贺 珉, 陈亚颦, 毛 昕:云南师范大学旅游与地理科学学院,云南 昆明;李玉轩:太原师范学院城市与旅游学院,山西 太原 Email: *526495299@qq.com
关键词: 庐山牯岭别墅群人居环境分析Lushan Mountain Kuling Villas Living Environment Analysis
摘要: 庐山牯岭别墅群,有着优越的地理位置和垂直高差十分显著的独有自然环境,而且在李德立等人生态城市理念的科学设计开发下,不仅形成了世界建筑园林,而且形成了基础设施完备日渐繁荣的东方田园城镇,这些都使得庐山东谷别墅群越来越具有生机和价值。本文首先对庐山牯岭别墅群进行自然人文因素分析,对早期的牯岭别墅群进行结合自然设计的人居理念分析,然后结合其规划开发历史及现状制作庐山牯岭别墅群布局图,具体分析牯岭别墅群的人居环境。
Abstract: Lushan Guling villas not only have a favorable geographical and vertical elevation significantly natural environment, but also in the design of Lide Li’s eco-city concept, which has been formed the world’s architectural landscape, and the East prosperously idylic towns with the complete in-frastructure, which are made in the East Vale villas increasingly vitality and value. This article firstly analyzed Lushan villas’s natural and humani-ties factors, and the early villas’ combining natural design with the concept of residential, then combined with its development history and status quo of production Lushan Guling villas’ layout, detailed analysis of the villas of Living Envi-ronment.
文章引用:贺珉, 陈亚颦, 李玉轩, 毛昕. 庐山牯岭(东谷)别墅群人居环境分析[J]. 地理科学研究, 2015, 4(2): 51-60. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/GSER.2015.42007