Father Absence and Confucian Ideas—On Psychological Motivation of Confucian Thoughts
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作者: 冉启斌:南开大学汉语言文化学院,天津
关键词: 父爱缺失孔孟学说父性诉求心理动因Father Absence Confucian Ideas Paternal Demand Psychological Motivation
摘要: 本文通过孔子和孟子的个体幼年经历分析孔孟学说的生发缘由和内在境况。孔子和孟子幼年均存在父爱缺失,由此引起的父性诉求心理导致了孔孟学说的大部分内容。父爱的需求呼唤在对尧舜以至文武周公等前代盛世的憧憬追忆中得到宣泄,并使孔孟在实践上对亦“师”亦“父”的角色进行了扮演。父性权威的诉求在对“礼”的强调提倡中得到实现,“礼”是对个体的规约,孝父、忠君、敬天是以“礼”为内在根由的逐次跃转和放大投射。孔孟学说对当时社会提出了大量批评,同时也没有得到当时社会的接纳,反映了父爱缺失带来的不完整的社会适应及认知能力特征。文章认为“父爱缺失”是孔孟学说得以提出的心理动因,是考察孔孟学说的一个可能而有效的切入点。
Abstract: Based on the analysis of Confucius’ and Mencius’ childhood experiences, genetic cause and internal state of Confucian ideas are probed. Both Confucius and Mencius had the father-absence expe-riences in childhood, and the paternal demand aroused from which caused most parts of Confucian ideas. The demanding and calling of paternal love were expressed and abreacted in the extolling and recalling of the great past eras: from Yao, Shun to Wen Wang, Wu Wang and Zhou Gong. This psychological motivation also resulted in the role playing and acting of a teacher as a father. The demand of paternal authority was achieved in advocating and stressing of LI, which was the restriction to individuals. Confucius and Mencius called for filial obedience to father, faithful ob-edience to King, and respectful obedience to Heaven. These three behaviors were rooted in LI identically, escalated hierarchically and magnified in projection one by one. Confucius and Mencius criticized the times fiercely, and their proposals were not accepted by the society, reflecting their poor adaption and cognition to society which were brought about from father absence. Father absence was the psychological motivation of Confucian ideas, and it was a possible and effective point of view.
文章引用:冉启斌. 父爱缺失与孔孟学说—论孔孟思想生发的心理动因[J]. 国学, 2014, 2(4): 75-85. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CnC.2014.24011


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