Research on the Urban Taxicab Industry Planning in View of the Program of Public Policy
DOI: 10.12677/OJTT.2015.43004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,562  浏览: 9,207 
作者: 陈燕申:中国城市规划设计研究院,北京;陈思凯:美国普渡大学工程学院,西拉法叶,印第安那州,美国
关键词: 公共政策政府管制规划出租汽车服务水平Public Policy Governmental Regulation Planning Taxicab Level of Service
摘要: 出租汽车规划是解决中国城市出租汽车行业健康有序发展的有效途径。出租汽车巡游经营特性和政府管制决定了出租汽车规划的公共政策属性。现行出租汽车运营信息、经营权管理政策和社会需求等是出租汽车规划的基础信息,并且可以满足规划的需要。本文提出了遵循公共政策分析程序的出租汽车规划程序和内容,包括政策目标分析、政策规划、设定规划指标、建立需求平衡模型和方案设计,以及进行规划方案评价和可行性分析的要求。
Abstract: The taxi industry planning is effective way to develop urban taxi industry healthily in China. The taxi characteristics of strolling operation and the government regulation have decided the taxi planning belonging to the pubic policy field. The present taxi operation information, taxi license and its property right of management regulatory policy, the social demand and so on are the foundation information for the taxi planning, and may fit the planning need. The paper presented an urban taxi industry planning procedure and the content depending on public policy analysis program, including the policy goal analysis, the planning of program, setting the planning index, developing the demand balance models, planning and design, as well as the planning evaluation and the feasibility analysis.
文章引用:陈燕申, 陈思凯. 基于公共政策程序的城市出租汽车规划方法研究[J]. 交通技术, 2015, 4(3): 19-27. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJTT.2015.43004


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