The Coupling between Intellectual Property and Development of Circular Economy in Western China
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2015.41006, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,618  浏览: 9,729 
作者: 黄 汇, 刘丽飞:西南政法大学,重庆
关键词: 知识产权循环经济制度耦合创新发展Intellectual Property Circular Economy System Coupling Innovation and Development
摘要: 循环经济作为一种新的经济发展方式,需要制度支撑。知识产权以“利益平衡”为价值追求,保证了循环经济发展的方向,通过理念和制度创新为循环经济提供法治保障。西部地区不仅应从正面角度,探寻利用知识产权发展循环经济的具体措施,还应从反面视角努力革除循环经济发展中的知识产权体制机制障碍,以实现知识产权制度创新和西部循环经济发展的功能耦合,实现二者的良性互动和有机发展。
Abstract: Circular economy, as a new mode of economic development, needs the support of system. Intel-lectual property pursuits the value of “balance of interests” to ensure the direction of the devel-opment of circular economy, and to provide legal protection for the recycling economy through concept and system innovation. The West should not only, from the positive perspective, explore concrete measures for using intellectual property to develop circular economy, but also, from the opposite perspective, try hard to abolish institutional obstacles of intellectual property system in the development of circular economy, from which it can achieve the functional coupling of the IP system innovation and the western development of circular economy as well as the positive inte-raction and the organic development between them.
文章引用:黄汇, 刘丽飞. 论知识产权与循环经济发展的耦合——以西部发展为例[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2015, 4(1): 33-39. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2015.41006


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