A Brief Analysis on the Environment and Trends of Bus Industry’s Upgrading in China
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2015.52005, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,504  浏览: 7,480 
作者: 王 赛:桂林理工大学管理学院,广西 桂林
关键词: 客车产业升级环境趋势Bus Industry Industrial Upgrading Environment Trend
摘要: 客车在客运交通中是基础式的存在。在国家汽车产业大规模增长和私家车大潮下,客车产业在汽车领域的“羹”越分越少。但客车行业发展的背景环境中,来自其他交通手段的外部环境给予客车行业的竞争是良性互补和促进式的,基于客车的客运业市场没有被过于压制。相比竞争,市场环境给客车行业的机遇更多。在当今市场需求和技术背景下,客车行业要升级,就要在技术上提升其原有的“车性”,在乘用上强化其“客性”,同时增加客车的智能化和商业服务附加值,争取通过新能源实现更经济更环保的交通。
Abstract: Bus is a basic road traffic tool. These years, in China, the large-scale growth of automobile industry especially the increase of private cars brings nothing profit to bus companies but makes pressure instead. But rationally, competitors from other fields in the market also provide complementary furtherance to the bus industry, and the market share of buses is not being over-suppressed by them. Compared with the competitions, the marketing environment gives more opportunities to the bus industry. So, to accommodate the market demands, bus industry needs to self-upgrade. That means that bus must be turned to be a high additional value product which is more technical for driving, more commercial for various uses, more intelligent to drivers and passengers and more friendly to the nature. And, industry enterprises should try to use the new energy to realize a high cost performance and reliable new traffic base on bus.
文章引用:王赛. 中国客车产业升级的环境和趋势浅析[J]. 现代管理, 2015, 5(2): 30-35.