The Survey of Employment Intentions among Medical Graduates—Employment Intentions among Medical Students of Grade 2014 in Kunming Medical University: A Questionnaire Survey
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2015.52004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,151  浏览: 7,902  科研立项经费支持
作者: 寸镜芬, 许艳华, 盛 讯:昆明医科大学口腔医学院,云南 昆明
关键词: 医学生就业意向问卷调查Medical Students Employment Intention Questionnaire
摘要: 为了解昆明医科大学本科应届毕业生毕业后就业意向基本情况,并分析其主要影响因素,在“考研热”与“就业难”同时并存的现今,以在今后做好同类院校大学生分叉路上的指导工作。我们用整群抽样的方法对2014年昆明医科大学口腔医学,临床医学以及护理三个专业的毕业生采用自制的问卷进行调查及相关统计。一共发放问卷253份,回收有效问卷228份,回收率达90.12%。其中70%的调查者选择不考研,只准备工作,10%的调查者选择专心准备考研,18%的调查者则考研就业两手准备,2%的调查者选择出国深造。面对就业与考研的选择,鱼与熊掌不可兼得,在这两难处境下多数人还是偏向于先就业,工作之后再通过其他方式提升自身能力。
Abstract: This study aims to know the basic situation about employment intentions among new graduates in Kunming Medical University, and to analyze its main influencing factors, which can make it easier for us to help the similar university graduates who are in front of the intersection that “employment difficulty” coexists with “craze for postgraduates” to make better choices. By using the cluster sampling method, 2014’s medical undergraduates of Clinical medicine, Stomatology, and Nurs- ing in Kunming Medical University were investigated and added up by using a self-designed ques-tionnaire. Among 253 questionnaire distributed, 228 were reclaimed (response rate 90.12%). The analyzes showed: 70% of the respondents only chose to prepare for the work; 10% chose to prepare for postgraduate qualifying examination intently; 18% prepared themselves for both eventualities; and 2% opted for going abroad for further study. Facing the choice between employment and postgraduate, you cannot eat your cake and have it. Most of people are biased towards employment first and promote themselves by other means after working.
文章引用:寸镜芬, 许艳华, 盛讯. 医科院校毕业生就业意向调查分析—昆明医科大学2014届毕业生就业意向调查[J]. 现代管理, 2015, 5(2): 24-29. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MM.2015.52004