Social Network Analysis of Interpersonal Characteristics of College Students
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.51004, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 4,299  浏览: 14,257  科研立项经费支持
作者: 田 林, 涂 燊, 王 英, 曹晓君, 张利洪:西华师范大学教育学院,南充;赵 光:辽宁师范大学心理学院,大连
关键词: 大学生人际交往社会网络分析College Students Interpersonal Communication Social Network Analysis
摘要: 大学生的人际交往能力对于大学生未来适应社会具有十分重要的意义。本研究采用调查法与社会网络分析方法对西华师范大学一个本科班级大学生的人际交往网络进行研究,结果表明:1) 大学生关系网络中心度的三个指标(点度中心度、中介中心度、接近中心度)可以从不同方面反映出大学生人际交往能力差异,每一个指标都从各自的侧重点表明一些大学生在班级中处于中心地位,而另一些大学生处于边缘位置,三个指标间的不完全一致性反映了不同大学生的人际交往能力发展的不同特点;2) 从整个网络图看来,网络中表现出了明显的小团体特征,而且每个小团体的成员基本都是由同一寝室的大学生组成。该结果可能是由大学生的人际交往特点决定的,寝室是大学生活动的主要场所,寝室成员是大学生交流的主要人员。3) 相关性分析表明,某些网络中心度指标与人际信任、人格问卷、社会交往量表得分之间存在显著的相关关系,但并不是每个指标都显著,这反映了不同中心度指标的差异性,能提供不同方面的个体社会交往特征。总之,社会网络分析可以对大学生个体的社会交往情况给出多方面的参考,管理者据此可以注意相关情况并给出相关措施。
Abstract: College students’ interpersonal skills are of great significance to adapt to the society in the future. This paper used the methods of survey and the social network analysis to study the undergraduate students’ interpersonal communication in a class of China West Normal University. The results showed that: 1) The three indicators of centrality (indegree, betweenness centrality and closeness centrality) could reflect the college students’ interpersonal communication ability from different aspects. Each index, from their own perspective, indicated that some students were in core position while some other students were in edge position. The inconsistency between the three indicators reflected the different aspects of the characteristics of college students’ interpersonal skills. 2) From the view of whole network, it showed obvious group characteristics. The members of each group were basically composed of the college students in the same dormitory, which might be due to that dormitory was the main place for college students’ activities. 3) The correlation analyses showed that there were significant relationships between the three indicators of centrality and interpersonal trust, personality and social interaction. However, not all indicators of centrality were correlated with each factor of above questionnaire, which might also reflect that the three indicators reflected the different aspects of the characteristics of the skills. In a word, the social network analysis can give a reference of many aspects to the college students’ individual social situation.
文章引用:田林, 涂燊, 王英, 曹晓君, 张利洪, 赵光 (2015). 大学生人际交往特点的社会网络分析. 心理学进展, 5(1), 23-32. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.51004


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