The Inhibitory Control in Forgetting Process
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.47127, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,188  浏览: 11,815 
作者: 程虹升, 杨文静, 张庆林, 邱 江:认知与人格教育部重点实验室,重庆;西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 遗忘抑制控制提取诱发遗忘定向遗忘压抑遗忘Forgetting Inhibitory Control Retrieval-Induced Forgetting Directed Forgetting Suppression Forgetting
摘要: 抑制控制在外显行为控制中的作用已被大量研究所证明,近年来的研究表明抑制控制在记忆内容的控制中也有重要作用。来自提取诱发遗忘和主动遗忘的证据表明,抑制控制机制会通过路线钝化或压抑项目表征等方式,排除无关记忆的干扰或阻止某些记忆的提取,最终导致它们的遗忘。不同的遗忘情景中,抑制控制所需的注意资源不同,抑制控制作用的方式也不同。未来的研究应重点关注行为抑制控制与记忆抑制控制的异同,影响记忆抑制控制作用方式的因素,情绪与抑制控制在遗忘过程中的关系,记忆抑制控制中的个体差异。
Abstract: Although many evidences from overt behavioral control have already suggested that inhibitory control mechanism is important in this process, many recent researches show that this mechanism is also important in the internal memory control. Both retrieval-induced forgetting and intentional forgetting suggest that inhibitory control mechanism operates to serve the function of forgetting by route deactivation or item-suppression. However, there are still some differences of the inhibitory control mechanism in these paradigms, such as whether the inhibitory control mechanism is recruited intentionally or unintentionally, and the way in which inhibitory control mechanisms do. So, future research should pay more attention to the difference of inhibitory mechanism in the behavior and memory control, the factors which influence the mode action of the mechanism, the interaction of the emotion and the memory control, and the individual difference of the inhibitory control in the memory control.
文章引用:程虹升, 杨文静, 张庆林, 邱江 (2014). 遗忘过程中的抑制控制机制研究述评. 心理学进展, 4(7), 988-996. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.47127


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