The Relationship between Trust in Government and Attitude toward Mining: Moderated by Values
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.47122, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,537  浏览: 6,237 
作者: 周天爽, 崔丽娟:华东师范大学,上海
关键词: 矿业开发态度价值观政府信任环境Attitude toward Mining Values Trust in Government Environment
摘要: 目的:考察政府信任与矿业开发态度之间的关系,并探索价值观的调节作用。方法:用问卷法对非矿区居民的政府信任、矿业开发态度和价值观进行调查。共收回有效问卷595份,其中男性292名,女性303名,平均年龄为35岁,标准差为9.87。结果:公众政府信任处于中等水平,与年龄显著正相关;对矿业开发持中立略偏向接受的态度;政府信任对矿业开发态度有正向的预测作用。价值观能够调节二者之间的关系,利己主义价值观和利他主义价值观能够增强政府信任的预测作用,生态主义价值观会减弱这一预测作用。
Abstract: The present study aimed to examine the relationship between trust in government and people’s attitude toward mining, and explore the moderating role of value. 595 participants including 292 male and 303 female completed the questionnaire. Their mean age is 35, and the standard devia-tion is 9.87. It has worked out that people’s trust in government stays at a medium state and is re-lated to age, while their attitude toward mining is also neutral. Trust in government can lead to acceptance of mining, while age, gender and value are controlled. Furthermore, egoistic values and altruistic values can enhance the relationship between trust in government and attitude toward mining, but biospheric values will weaken it.
文章引用:周天爽, 崔丽娟 (2014). 价值观对政府信任与矿业开发态度关系的调节作用. 心理学进展, 4(7), 947-955. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.47122


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