The Adaptation of Urban Migrant Workers from Country in China: An Empirical Study
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.47121, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,941  浏览: 8,173 
作者: 文俊俊:西南大学,西南民族教育与心理研究中心,重庆;曹国光:长江大学学生心理健康教育中心,荆州
关键词: 进城农民工文化适应适应Migrant Workers Acculturation Adaptation
摘要: 本研究就文化适应态度、觉知歧视与自尊、生活满意度等行为问题,探讨了中国农民工在进城务工中觉知到的歧视与文化适应的关系。被试由143名进城农民工组成。他们按要求完成了一个包括以上各个变量的问卷。结果显示,社会文化适应能力与觉知歧视和分开适应策略呈消极相关,F(12,130) = 8.64,p < .001。对于公共政策制定的影响有待讨论。
Abstract: This study examined the factors associated with the psychological and socio-cultural adaptation of China migrant workers, in terms of acculturation strategies, perceived discrimination in managing daily life. The participants were 143 migrant workers. They were requested to complete a ques-tionnaire on the above variables. The results indicated that socio-cultural adaptation outcome va-riables were negatively related to acculturation strategies and perceived discrimination (F(12,130) = 8.64, p < .001). Implications for service provisions were discussed.
文章引用:文俊俊, 曹国光 (2014). 中国进城农民工适应现状的实证研究. 心理学进展, 4(7), 938-946.


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