The Research on the Correlations between Parental Rearing Style and Normal Students’ Aggressive Behavior
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.47120, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,957  浏览: 8,797 
作者: 孟 鲁, 陈 红, 韦春丽, 王 维:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 师范生父母教养方式攻击行为Normal Students Parental Rearing Style Aggressive Behavior
摘要: 目的:考察师范类大学生父母教养方式和攻击性行为的关系。方法:使用父母教养方式问卷和攻击性问卷,采用分层随机抽样方法对某大学160名师范类大学生进行了调查。通过问卷法探讨了父母教养方式与大学生攻击行为的相关情况。结果:(1) 师范生父母教养方式存在显著的年级和专业差异。(2) 师范生攻击行为在性别和专业上差异显著。(3) 不同的父母教养方式在身体攻击和愤怒两方面存在差异。(4) 父母教养方式与攻击行为之间存在一定相关。
Abstract: Objective: To study the relationship between Parental Rearing Style and normal Students’ aggres-sive behavior. Method: 160 college students from normal university were investigated though Pa-renting Style Questionnaire and Aggression Questionnaire. Results: (1) Significant grade differences and major differences in university students’ Parental Rearing Style were observed. (2) There was significant gender and major difference in college Students’ aggressive behavior. (3) There were significant differences in aggressive behavior and anger between Parental Rearing Style and ag-gressive behavior. (4) There was significant interaction between Parental Rearing Style and ag-gressive behavior.
文章引用:孟鲁, 陈红, 韦春丽, 王维 (2014). 父母教养方式与师范生攻击行为的关系研究. 心理学进展, 4(7), 929-937. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.47120


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