Re-Discussion on the Paradox of EnergyConsumption Efficiency Technology—Based on the Analysis of Provincial Data in China
DOI: 10.12677/JLCE.2014.33003, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,668  浏览: 9,630 
作者: 郎春雷:浙江工商大学经济学院,杭州
关键词: 技术创新能源消费反弹效应Technological Innovation Energy Consumption Rebound Effect
摘要: 技术创新一直以来被认为是提高能源使用效率,降低能源消费的重要因素,但是国外就技术创新对能源消费影响的悖论一直以来颇受关注,本文根据中国的省际数据分析,用技术创新的产出和投入不同指标,分析中国能源消费效率技术悖论,即技术创新对能源消费影响的“反弹效应”。
Abstract: Technological innovation is known as an important factor to improve the energy use efficiency and reduce the energy consumption on one hand. On the other hand, technological innovation is also well known as a paradox to energy consumption. Based on the provincial data in China, this paper will analyse the paradox of technology to energy consumption using different technological innovation input and output index, which is also called the rebound effect of technological innova-tion to energy consumption.
文章引用:郎春雷. 再论能源消费效率技术悖论——基于中国的省际数据分析[J]. 低碳经济, 2014, 3(3): 15-29. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/JLCE.2014.33003


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