The Effect of Low versus High Approach-Motivated Positive Affect on Attentional Blink
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.47113, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,105  浏览: 7,327 
作者: 王 璐, 陈 旭, 马建苓:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 注意瞬脱积极情绪趋近动机搞笑渴望Attentional Blink Positive Affect Approach Motivation Amusement Desire
摘要: 注意瞬脱反映了注意资源在时间进程上的有限性。本研究首次探究了不同趋近动机积极情绪对注意瞬脱的影响。实验采用食物和幽默的视频分别诱发高趋近动机积极情绪——渴望和低趋近动机积极情绪——搞笑,以注意瞬脱经典范式为实验任务,以T1正确时T2的正确率为注意瞬脱量指标,结果发现:高低趋近动机积极情绪均降低了注意瞬脱量,且低趋近动机积极情绪较高趋近积极情绪的扩展效应更大(边缘显著),说明积极情绪能够扩展个体的时间注意广度。进一步分析发现,低趋近积极情绪提高了T2在lag4和lag5位置上的正确率,高趋近动机积极情绪提高了T2在lag1和lag2位置上的正确率,暗示了高低趋近动机积极情绪对注意瞬脱的影响可能存在不同的内在机制。文末总结了本研究的不足之处及今后的研究方向。
Abstract: Attentional blink reflects the limitation of attention resource over time. This is the first study to explore the effect of low versus high approach-motivated positive affect on attentional blink. We used food and humor videos to induce high approach-motivated positive affect (desire) and low approach-motivated positive affect (amusement) separately. Subjects were required to complete classic attentional blink tasks. The performance of attentional blink was indicated by the accuracy of T2 when T1 was correct. Results showed both low and high approach-motivated positive affect improved the performance attetional blink, and this effect was bigger in low approach-motivated positive affect than high. Further analysis revealed that low approach-motivated positive affect improved the accuracy of T2 when T1 was correct on lag4 and lag5, however, high approach-mo- tivated positive affect improved the accuracy of T2 when T1 was correct on lag1 and lag2, which may indicate different mechanisms of effect of low versus high approach-motivation on attentional blink. In the end, we summarized the deficiencies of this research and proposed future directions.
文章引用:王璐, 陈旭, 马建苓 (2014). 不同趋近动机强度积极情绪对注意瞬脱的影响. 心理学进展, 4(7), 873-880. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.47113


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