A Research on Reentry of Returned Knowledge Workers—Based on Social Support Theory
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.46108, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,769  浏览: 11,906  国家科技经费支持
作者: 闫 燕:上海电机学院商学院,上海
关键词: 海归组织支持感归国适应组织承诺社会支持理论Returnee Perceived Organizational Support Readjustment Organizational Commitment Social Support Theory
摘要: 近些年,随着海归回国数量不断的增加,组织中针对海归知识员工的管理也成为人力资源管理中的热点问题。如何充分发挥海归人才知识传递和知识转移的作用是组织管理目前需要面临的重要问题。本文以重返文化为背景,探讨了海归知识员工的组织支持感通过归国适应对组织承诺的作用机制。基于社会支持理论,本研究将组织支持感分为经济支持感、职业支持感和适应支持感,并分别从生活环境、工作环境和沟通环境三个方面考察组织支持感的三个维度如何通过归国适应影响组织承诺。通过对216名海归知识员工的问卷调查发现,在生活环境方面,组织提供的经济支持感对海归知识员工的生活适应有显著的正向影响;在工作环境方面,组织提供的职业支持感对工作适应有显著的正向影响,并且工作适应在职业支持感和组织承诺之间起中介作用;在沟通环境方面,组织提供的适应支持感对海归知识员工的互动适应有显著的正向影响。最后,本研究针对这些研究结果进行探讨并提出相应的管理建议。
Abstract: With the development of globalization, more and more students choose to find a job back home after they finish the degree study abroad. However, they find the environment of home country is not the same as that when they went abroad. They need the support from organization to readjust to the new environment. This paper is to explore how support shows effect on reentry and orga-nizational commitment in organizational environment. Based on reentry, this paper discusses how perceived organizational support affects organizational commitment through readjustment for returnees. Specifically, based on social support theory, it clarifies the perceived organizational support into financial, career and adjustment support and examines the effect on organizational commitment respectively. In this paper, it is clarified into three different environments. They are work, interaction and general environment. In work environment, it is assumed that career support from organization has positive effect on organizational commitment through work readjustment. In interaction environment, it is assumed that adjustment support from the organization shows positive effect on organizational commitment through interaction readjustment. In general environment, it is assumed that financial support from the organization shows positive effect on organizational commitment through general readjustment. As for the main effect, this paper as-sumes that financial, career and adjustment support from the organization is beneficial to their organization commitment. Data from 216 returnees show that perceived organizational support has positive effect on readjustment significantly. As for the mediation effect, the results show that career perceived organizational support has positive effect on organizational commitment through the mediation of work readjustment, while the mediation effect is not significant for interaction readjustment and general readjustment. Finally, this paper gives some suggestions on human re-source management of returned knowledge workers.
文章引用:闫燕 (2014). 海归知识员工归国适应的影响机制研究—基于社会支持理论. 心理学进展, 4(6), 831-840. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.46108


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