Analysis of Huizhou Ancient Villages’ Characteristics in Landscape Architecture
DOI: 10.12677/ARL.2014.34007, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,560  浏览: 9,547 
作者: 谢 臻:湖南工业大学,包装设计艺术学院,株洲
关键词: 徽派古村落建筑景观美学特点Huizhou Ancient Villages Landscape Architecture Aesthetic Features
摘要: 徽派古村落是指安徽省长江以南山区地域范围内,具有强烈的徽州文化特色,具有共同地域文化背景的历史传统村落。文章通过分析徽派古村落的建筑风格、结构、雕刻技艺及巧妙布局等,阐述了徽派古村落的建筑景观特征,并向人们展示出其独特且固有的审美价值。
Abstract: Huizhou ancient villages are located in the south of the Yangtze River in Anhui which owns strong characteristics of Huizhou culture and the common culture. Through the analysis of Huizhou ancient villages’ style of architecture, structure, carving skills and clever layout, the article expounds the architectural landscape characteristics of Huizhou ancient villages and shows the unique and inherent aesthetic value to people.
文章引用:谢臻. 徽派古村落建筑景观特征分析[J]. 艺术研究快报, 2014, 3(4): 37-43. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ARL.2014.34007