Interpretation of “the” Structure from Cognitive Prominence
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2014.24020, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,694  浏览: 10,912  科研立项经费支持
作者: 刘敬钰:沈阳航空航天大学外国语学院,沈阳
关键词: the结构认知突显观图形/背景理论非对称象似性“the” Structure Cognitive Prominence Figure/Ground Theory Asymmetric Iconicity
摘要: 英语定冠词the用法繁多,使用中较难把握。本文利用认知突显观对图形/背景分离理论(figure/ground segregation theory)在语言研究中的应用,试图阐释有the结构和无the结构现象的深层原因,指出语言运用更多的是由人的经验结构决定的。同时图形/背景理论为英汉突显的非对称象似性研究提供了启示。
Abstract: The definite article “the” has a wide range of usages, which is difficult to master. Based on the ap-plication of cognitive prominence to figure/ground segregation theory in language research, this paper attempts to expound the deep reasons for structures with “the” and without “the”, showing that language application is more determined by people’s experience structure. At the same time, the figure/ground segregation theory provides the enlightenment for the research on asymmetric iconicity of cognitive prominence in English and Chinese.
文章引用:刘敬钰. 认知突显对the结构的诠释[J]. 现代语言学, 2014, 2(4): 165-171. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2014.24020


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