Functional Difference and Transmutation of Opera and Folk Art Clown between East and West Cultures
DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2014.23007, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,873  浏览: 7,537 
作者: 徐瑞阳:大连外国语学院比较文学研究所,大连
关键词: 丑角正统戏剧民间娱乐功能差异与嬗变文化阐释Clown Opera Folk Art Functional Difference and Transmutation Cultural Reason
摘要: 审丑也是人类审美意识的重要方面。比较中西方戏剧史丑角的作用可以看出:丑角在中西早期正统戏剧中具有不同的功能,其功能后来也在正统戏剧和民间娱乐中发生了嬗变。这种功能差异和嬗变,因不同文化背景而使然,可通过文化差异分析给予合理阐释。
Abstract: Ugliness is one of the most important aesthetic conceptions in human aesthetic experience. The functional difference and transmutation of opera and folk art clown will be found by comparing the clown history of east and west. Some reasonable explanations of these differences also will be illustrated according to the unique cultural background.
文章引用:徐瑞阳. 中西方丑角在正戏和民娱中的功能差异与嬗变[J]. 世界文学研究, 2014, 2(3): 41-46. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2014.23007


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