Analysis of a Healthy Lifestyle from the Perspective of Sociology—Speaking from the Morning Exercise in Haze
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2014.34009, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,520  浏览: 5,982  科研立项经费支持
作者: 聂存虎, 连 芳, 李 欣:天津中医药大学,天津
关键词: 生活方式晨练雾霾Lifestyle Morning Exercises Pollution Haze
摘要: 本文以雾霾中晨练现象为例探讨健康生活方式形成的社会文化结构因素,认为雾霾不仅仅是一个环境问题,晨练也不仅仅是一个健康问题。雾霾中晨练现象也不能仅从健康或环境问题方面去理解,其背后有着深刻的社会文化结构的原因。从根本上讲,晨练作为一种生活方式和社会行动,是在一定的社会文化结构中型塑的。
Abstract: Based on the morning exercise in a haze pollution phenomenon as an example to explore the social and cultural structure factor for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, and think haze be neither an environment problem nor a health problem. There are some factors of social culture and social structure behind the phenomenon. Fundamentally, morning exercise, as a way of life or social action, is formed, shaped and created from a special cultural environment and social structure.
文章引用:聂存虎, 连芳, 李欣. 健康生活方式养成的社会学分析—从雾霾中晨练现象说起[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2014, 3(4): 65-70.


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