A case of Canine Testicular Disseminated Malignant Seminoma
DOI: 10.12677/ACRPVM.2014.33005, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,828  浏览: 6,468  国家科技经费支持
作者: 付永瑶, 王继宏, 赵德明, 周向梅, 尹晓敏, 杨利峰:中国农业大学动物医学院,国家传染性海绵状脑病实验室,北京
关键词: 精原细胞瘤睾丸H.E.染色Malignant Seminoma Testicular H & E Stain
摘要: 报告一例犬睾丸弥散型恶性精原细胞瘤病理。患病动物为一例8岁雄性犬,右侧腹股沟处曾发生隐睾,最近发现睾丸迅速变大。经手术切除睾丸肿块后固定送检,常规H.E.染色后,组织学检查结果发现睾丸内有大量细胞增生,增生的细胞形态一致,成带状,片状和条索状分布,由精原细胞分化而来。诊断为弥散型恶性精原细胞瘤。
Abstract: A case of canine testicular disseminated malignant seminoma is reported. An 8-year-old male dog showed that the testis increased fast. Histopathological examination found masses of tumor cells derived from the germ cells that constitute the spermatogenic epithelium within the seminiferous tubules. Those tumor cells are in the similar shape forming broad sheets. These findings were con- sistent with all disseminated malignant seminoma.
文章引用:付永瑶, 王继宏, 赵德明, 周向梅, 尹晓敏, 杨利峰. 犬睾丸弥散型恶性精原细胞瘤一例[J]. 亚洲兽医病例研究, 2014, 3(3): 20-23. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ACRPVM.2014.33005


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