The Construction of Innocent Prototype in Advertising Marketing
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2014.45012, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,627  浏览: 5,806 
作者: 江心培:湖南大学新闻传播与影视艺术学院,长沙
关键词: 体验消费广告策略天真者原型怀旧Experiential Consumption Advertising Strategy The Innocent Prototype Nostalgia
摘要: 在体验消费时代,注重消费者内心体验已成为企业营销的制胜法宝,而在激情与压力并存的当下,重拾简单乐趣,自在做自己等消费理念也成为众多消费者所看重的情感诉求点。在此背景下,本文着重分析了天真者原型与当下消费者行为特点存在的众多契合之处,试探讨在广告营销中如何巧妙利用这一原型迎合这股潮流,成功吸引消费者目光,提升品牌形象。
Abstract: In the era of the experiential consumption, paying attention to consumer’s inner experience has become a essential strategy in marketing. And in the present moment with so much passion and pressure, finding back simple fun and getting the comfortable shopping experience with personal consumption concept also become important emotional attraction for many consumers. In this background, this paper analyses the connection between the innocent prototype and some current consumer behavior characteristics, which helps to explore how to ingeniously use this prototype in advertising and marketing to cater this trend so as to attract consumers’ attention and improve products’ brand image.
文章引用:江心培. 论广告营销中“天真者”原型的建构[J]. 现代管理, 2014, 4(5): 89-93. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MM.2014.45012