The Research on the Country of Origin Effect in the Automotive Brand
DOI: 10.12677/MOM.2014.44009, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,811  浏览: 10,761 
作者: 张翼飞:上海大学音乐学院,上海
关键词: 品牌来源国来源国效应购买意向Country-of-Origin of Brand Country-of-Origin Effect Brand Attitude
摘要: 随着中国加入WTO,中国汽车工业加快了国际化进程。中国消费者已能够在琳琅满目的汽车市场挑选到适合自己的汽车。本文结合中国汽车行业的特点,研究了影响来源国形象的关键因素。在理论研究的基础上,本文为中国汽车厂商特别是民族汽车品牌的进一步成长提出了营销建议。中国民族汽车品牌要进一步注重产品质量,不断加强科技创新水平,以着力提升自身的品牌形象,从而不断改善民族汽车品牌在消费者心目中的形象。中国政府也要大力提升“中国制造”的水平,努力打造汽车产品的中国国家品牌形象,为民族汽车品牌提升品牌来源国形象奠定坚实的基础。
Abstract: With China’s participation in WTO, the internationalization process of auto industry in China has accelerated. Chinese consumers can select suitable cars from the auto market. This paper puts emphasis on the key factors in the influence of the country of origin. Based on the research, this paper puts forward marketing proposals for the China’s automotive enterprises, especially for the further growth of national automotive brand. To improve the brand image of Chinese automotive, the China’s automotive enterprises should focus on the product quality and strength scientific and technological innovation. Moreover, the Chinese government should also promote the quality and image of products made in China in order to build good brand image of China’s automotive products, which leads to improving country-of-origin image for China’s automotive enterprises.
文章引用:张翼飞. 汽车品牌来源国效应的初探[J]. 现代市场营销, 2014, 4(4): 51-56. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MOM.2014.44009


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