Exploration of Career Planning of Civil Servants: Taking Policemen as Analysis Objects
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2014.45010, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,466  浏览: 11,505  科研立项经费支持
作者: 王 驰, 殷建国:江苏警官学院现代警务研究中心,南京
关键词: 警察职业生涯职业发展路径内职业生涯Police Career Career Development Path Internal Career
摘要: 警察职业生涯规划将培养警察贯穿于职业生涯全过程,将警察个性化发展规划与警察队伍的科学管理相结合,将警察个人潜能开发、职业素养提升与警务人才队伍建设相结合,通过政策引导与制度创新实现警察职业生涯规划的良性互动。职业生涯规划的核心议题包括分析警察职业周期阶段特征及需求,搭建组织管理与职业发展的匹配模型,注重警察内职业生涯的成长,设计多元化职业发展通道,并提供相应的制度与组织保证。
Abstract: Career planning runs through the entire career of policemen and has great significance. It combines individual planning with scientific management of the whole police team and integrates potential development with improvement of professional capacity and construction of police talent team. It achieves the positive interaction of career planning through policy guidance and institutional innovation. The key subjects of career planning include analyzing the characteristics and needs of different phases, building a coordinated model for management and career development, focusing on the development of the internal police career, designing diverse career development paths and providing corresponding institutional guarantee.
文章引用:王驰, 殷建国. 公务员职业生涯规划探究:以警察为分析对象[J]. 现代管理, 2014, 4(5): 71-80. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MM.2014.45010