Morphometric Analysis of Far East Blank Bee Based on 13 Indexes of Morphometry
DOI: 10.12677/HJAS.2014.45014, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 2,918  浏览: 9,340  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 王进州, 薛运波, 张 发, 李兴安:吉林省蜜蜂遗传育种重点实验室(吉林省养蜂科学研究所),吉林;金水华:浙江平湖畜牧局蜜蜂育种场,平湖
关键词: 远东黑蜂形态变异分析尺度类形态学指标第四蜡镜Far East Blank Bee Morphometric Analysis Size Characters of Morphometry Proboscis Wax Mirror IV
摘要: 为了积累远东黑蜂的形态学数据,和以此数据为依据表征远东黑蜂,本研究首先通过显微图像分析方法分别测定了10群远东黑蜂样本和10群欧洲黑蜂样本各自的13项尺度类形态学指标;其次,通过F-分析比较了远东黑蜂样本测定值均数与欧洲黑蜂样本测定值均数的离散程度,通过t-检验比较了远东黑蜂样本测定值均数与欧洲黑蜂样本测定值均数的差异性。远东黑蜂样本的吻长度、第四蜡镜宽度、第四蜡镜面积测定值均数,都明显地小于欧洲黑蜂样本的相应测定值均数(P < 0.05);相反,它们之间的第三背板宽度、第四背板长度、第四背板宽度、第四蜡镜长度、前翅长度、前翅宽度、前翅面积、前翅肘脉指数、后腿跗节长度以及后腿跗节宽度测定值均数,都没有差异(P > 0.05)。这提示,相对于欧洲黑蜂,远东黑蜂具有明显的形态学体征:短的吻长度,短的第四蜡镜宽度和小的第四蜡镜面积。
Abstract: A Microscopic image analysis was conducted to collect a set of morphometric data for characterizing morphological features of Far East Blank Bee. First of all, we measured 13 indexes of morphometry of 10 colonies of both Far East Blank Bee and Apis mellifera mellifera, respectively. Then we compared discreteness of means of measured values between them, and compared difference of the means between them. Compared to samples of colonies of Apis mellifera mellifera in the measurements of proboscis length, width and surface area of wax mirror IV, samples of colonies of Far East Blank Bee are showed with shorter proboscis, shorter wax mirror IV, and smaller surface area of wax mirror IV (P < 0.05, respectively). On the contrary, compared to samples of the former with the measurements of the others, samples of the latter are not showed with significant differ-ence of measurements, including width of tergum III, both length and width of tergum IV, length of wax mirror IV, length, width, surface area, cubital index of forewing, and both length and width of metabasitarsus hindleg (P > 0.05, respectively). The present analysis could distinguish the mor-phometric difference between the samples of colonies of both Far East Blank Bee and Apis mellifera mellifera.
文章引用:王进州, 薛运波, 张发, 金水华, 李兴安. 基于13项形态学指标的远东黑蜂形态变异分析[J]. 农业科学, 2014, 4(5): 87-98. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJAS.2014.45014


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