A Critical Review of the Handicraft Techniques of Ancient Chinese Painted Clay Sculpture
DOI: 10.12677/CnC.2014.23008, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 2,985  浏览: 12,649 
作者: 王丹阳, 张秉坚:浙江大学,文物与博物馆学系,杭州;魏国锋:安徽大学,历史系,合肥
关键词: 泥塑彩绘土料成型构架颜料装饰Clay Sculpture Colored Painting Soil Materials Shaping Architecture Pigments Decorations
摘要: 探讨中国古代泥塑彩绘传统工艺兼具文化遗产传承和文物保护方法研究的双重意义。本文通过文献、史料和实物调查,对泥塑彩绘制作工艺的发展过程进行了梳理。根据泥塑彩绘的土料、掺加料、成型方式、构架,表面修饰、颜料、装饰等方面探讨了泥塑彩绘各项工艺技术的起源。认为中国古代泥塑彩绘工艺的发展大体可以分为三个阶段,约6000年前的原始起步阶段,距今约3000~6000年的初级发展阶段,以及从2000多年前开始的高度发展阶段。中国古代泥塑彩绘制作中对土料等原料的一系列预处理,构件的模块化设计和模制成型,成品的精确组装和精致修饰等,在当时都应是世界领先的工艺技术,值得我们弘扬和保护。
Abstract: The aim of this study was to illustrate the significance of handicraft techniques of the ancient Chi-nese painted clay sculpture in both the cultural heritage inheritance and the conservation metho-dology research. The historical development of the handicraft techniques of the painted clay sculpture were summarized and documented through extensive literature review and actual sam-ple investigations. The origins of those handicraft techniques were discussed by looking at raw soil materials, mixing materials, the ways of molding, architecture, surface modification, applied pigments as well as surface decorations. Historically, the development of handicraft techniques of the ancient Chinese painted clay sculpture could be divided into three stages: the starting stage beginning around 6000 years ago, the early-development stage from 6000 years ago to 3000 years ago, and the well-development stage beginning from around 2000 years ago. Among the various handicraft techniques, the pretreatments of the raw materials including soil, modular design and molding of the parts, precise assembly of the parts as well as delicate decorations on the sculpture, etc., were thought to be world-leading at that time. Nowadays, more efforts are needed to be put on promotion, broadcasting as well as further development of the handicraft techniques.
文章引用:王丹阳, 张秉坚, 魏国锋. 中国古代泥塑彩绘制作工艺探讨[J]. 国学, 2014, 2(3): 46-54.


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