Energy Storage and Self-illuminating Anti-Fire Emergency Escape System of Highway Tunnel
DOI: 10.12677/OJTT.2014.35017, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,657  浏览: 8,132  科研立项经费支持
作者: 梁 冰, 李寿伟:金华市公路管理局,金华
关键词: 公路隧道防火应急逃生蓄能自发光型系统Road Tunnel Fire Prevention Emergency Escape Energy Storage Self-illuminating System
摘要: 本文分析公路隧道事故特点及多发原因,论述我国目前公路隧道防火、安全逃生设计要求及存在的问题、运营期隧道应急救援措施及问题;在此基础上提出设置隧道蓄能自发光型防火灾应急逃生系统的必要性,并分析蓄能自发光型防火灾应急逃生系统的系统组成、蓄能自发光型材料的技术要求和逃生引导标识;最后,结合我国目前公路隧道的应急逃生系统、应急救援措施,提出相应的建议。
Abstract: The features of road tunnel accidents and reasons for its frequent occurrence are analyzed; the problems that exist in the present requirements for fire prevention and emergency escape design of road tunnel are discussed. Accordingly, the necessity of equipping road tunnel with energy sto-rage self-illuminating system is pointed out. The composition, technical requirement of energy storage self-illuminating material, and evacuation signage are analyzed as well. Finally, some sug-gestions for present emergency escape system and emergency rescue measures of roads tunnel are proposed.
文章引用:梁冰, 李寿伟. 公路隧道蓄能自发光型防火灾应急逃生系统[J]. 交通技术, 2014, 3(5): 115-121. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJTT.2014.35017


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