Pollution Load Analysis to Estimate Current Situation Youxi River Basin Water Pollution
DOI: 10.12677/AG.2014.44030, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 2,923  浏览: 10,595  科研立项经费支持
作者: 郑晗婧:福州大学环境与资源学院,福州;邱海源:福建省地质环境监测中心,福州
关键词: 点源污染面源污染负荷量排泄系数Point Source Pollution Non-Point Source Pollution Load Excretion Coefficient
摘要: 本文对尤溪河流域从点源、面源污染现状展开调查,通过污染负荷分析和估算方法对尤溪河流域水的污染源进行总体评价。研究结果表明:尤溪流域污染源以面源污染为主,点源污染所占比例极小。全流域各类污染源的污染物入河量中,畜禽养殖污染源和农闲污染源的COD、NH3-N的入河量比率最大,工业污染源的入河量是最小的;其中农田排放COD,新洋溪流域最大,占全流域总量的24%,其它支流依次为新桥溪、干流、源湖溪、青印溪、吉木溪、清溪。氨氮排放量,以青印溪排放量最大,占全流域总量的23%;另外生活污水排放,青印溪生活排放COD总量最大,占全流域总量的21%,其它依次为源湖溪、新桥溪、新洋溪、干流、清溪、吉木溪。总之全流域生活污水具有排污总量大、治理水平低的特点,生活污水对水体质量的危害程度十分明显。
Abstract: This paper investigates the Youxi River Basin from the point source pollution and non-point source pollution, and evaluates the source of pollution by analysis of the pollution load and esti- mation methods. The results show that the source of pollution of Youxi River Basin is mainly non- point source pollution, and a very small proportion of point source pollution. In all kinds of sources of pollutants into the river basin amount, livestock pollution and slack sources COD, NH3-N have the maximum ratio, and the river of industrial pollution is minimal; the farmland emission COD of the new Yangxi watershed is the maximum, 24% of the total accounted basin; other tributaries are Newbridge Creek, River, the source of Lake Creek, Green Indian Creek, Yoshiki Creek and the stream. Ammonia emissions of the Green Indian Creek is the largest, accounting for 23% of the total basin; for the additional sewage discharge, the largest COD emission is the Green Indian Creek, accounting for 21% of the total basin, followed by other sources: Lake Creek, Newbridge Creek, new Yangxi Creek, River, the stream and wood guitar Creek. In short, sewage basin has the characteristics of a large amount of sewage but low levels of governance; sewage degree of harm to the water quality is obvious.
文章引用:郑晗婧, 邱海源. 污染负荷分析法估算尤溪河流域水污染现状[J]. 地球科学前沿, 2014, 4(4): 249-256. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AG.2014.44030


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