Network Micro-Film Never Thought of That and Pop Aesthetics
DOI: 10.12677/ARL.2014.33005, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,467  浏览: 8,813  科研立项经费支持
作者: 窦 潇, 王丽君:北京交通大学建筑与艺术学院,北京
关键词: 波普艺术网络文化荒诞狂欢微电影Pop Art Internet Culture Absurd Carnival Micro-Film
摘要: 2013年的大热的网络微电影《万万没想到》凭借风趣的台词,荒诞不经的剧情,一经推出便在年轻人中掀起一阵强劲的“王大锤”风暴。作为网络文化与电影文化杂糅一体网络微电影,《万万没想到》用独特的后现代表现语言完全颠覆了我们眼中的传统电影,片中那些反常的角色、杂糅的时空和片段化的叙事等后现代语言先一次次粉碎了人们记忆中的经典故事,再用戏谑的形式拼贴重构起来,把狂欢式的网络时代大众文化带到电影艺术中,具有典型的波普艺术气质。
Abstract: Never Thought of That—a hot online micro-film in 2013, with witty lines and ridiculous story, has triggered a strong storm of “wangdachui” among young people once it came out. As a network mi-cro-film which mixed with film culture and internet culture, Never Thought of That has completely subverted the traditional movie with its unique post-modern performance language. Those per-verse film roles, mixed temporal, fragmented narrative style shattered people’s memory of the classic story, and then it joked together with a form of collage reconstruction, and took the carniv-al-like popular culture of network era into the art of film, giving this micro-film a typical Pop art style.
文章引用:窦潇, 王丽君. 网络微电影《万万没想到》系列与波普美学思想[J]. 艺术研究快报, 2014, 3(3): 25-30.