Effects of Stimulus Categories on the Attentional Blink
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.44084, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,752  浏览: 11,956  科研立项经费支持
作者: 罗 冰, 赵俊华:武汉大学哲学学院心理系,武汉
关键词: 注意瞬脱资源分配任务驱动刺激类别Attentional Blink Resources Allocation Task Driven Stimulus Categories
摘要: 使用注意瞬脱研究范式,变化其中T2相对T1的颜色特征或类别一致性,探讨刺激性质变化对注意瞬脱的影响,结果发现,T2相对T1的颜色改变可以减弱注意瞬脱效应,T2相对T1的类别变化可以消除注意瞬脱效应。注意瞬脱是有限资源的分配方式造成,但是注意瞬脱的产生受刺激类别关系的影响。
Abstract: This study investigated the effects on Attentional Blink (AB) when the category relationships of two targets in a rapid serial visual presentation stream were consistent or not. In experiment 1, accuracy for the second target (T2) increased when its color was changed, but there was still a sig-nificant Attentional Blink effect. In experiment 2, the results for T2 showed that there was no sig-nificant Attentional Blink effect when T1 and T2 belong to the different categories. These findings support the hypothesis that AB is due to an allocation of limited attentional resources. But whether the AB effects come into being or not is deteminated by the relationships of category between T1 and T2.
文章引用:罗冰, 赵俊华 (2014). 刺激的类别关系对注意瞬脱的影响. 心理学进展, 4(4), 625-631. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.44084


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