The Influence of Video Game Training on Cognitive Abilities
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.44070, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,820  浏览: 12,597  科研立项经费支持
作者: 周 希:清华大学心理学系,北京
关键词: 电子游戏训练认知能力Video Game Training Cognitive Abilities
摘要: 尽管已有研究表明电子游戏可减少人的亲社会行为并增加攻击性,但近年来的一些应用认知心理学研究表明电子游戏对也可促进人的多感觉加工,提高人对注意干扰的抵抗能力,并提高认知灵活性。而另一些研究则通过重复知盲现象等任务发现电子游戏对注意容量并无显著影响,这些分歧可能与实验者效应、要求特征及玩家与非玩家之间一直存在的认知能力差异有关。近年来兴起的电子游戏训练则是充分发挥电子游戏对认知能力的积极影响,强调在保持每天一定时间、持续多天的训练情况下,使儿童、青年、老年人等分别在语言能力、注意力分配及执行控制能力等方面有所提升,并已在军事、消防、教育等领域有一定的应用。但是,在进行和发展电子游戏训练时也需要非常慎重,兼顾利弊,防止过度训练、游戏成瘾。
Abstract: Video games have been very popular in the last few decades, but their negative effects have re-ceived most of the attention, such as that playing violent video games may increase players’ ag-gressive behaviors in daily life. Recently, some studies have shown that video games also have positive influence on players’ cognitive abilities, including sensation, perception, attention, space cognition and so on; whereas other studies have suggested that video games do not significantly improve players’ cognitive abilities. This discrepancy might be due to confounding of independent variables. On the other hand, video game training has been developed to take advantage of the positive influence of video games to maximally improve player’s cognitive abilities. So far a few studies have shown that video game training has great influence on people’s attention and spatial abilities. Video game training has been applied in education, military, medical trainings and daily life. However, cautions should be taken to apply video game training to avoid overtraining or player’s overindulgence in fantasy.
文章引用:周希 (2014). 电子游戏训练对认知能力的影响. 心理学进展, 4(4), 515-522. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.44070


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