Analysis of Risk Factors Leading to Osteoporosis Research
DOI: 10.12677/MD.2014.42003, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,982  浏览: 11,971  科研立项经费支持
作者: 朱红军, 路瀛, 林敏, 陈奕佳:苏州市姑苏区双塔街道社区卫生服务中心,苏州;袁晨曦, 邹俊:苏州大学附属第一医院,苏州
关键词: 骨质疏松症危险因素Osteoporosis Risk Factors
摘要: 背景:老年人随年龄增长,骨量一般会逐渐减低,骨质疏松症是一种与增龄相关的疾病,同时也是一种与遗传和环境因素密切相关的疾病。目的:综述骨质疏松的相关危险因素。方法:计算机检索PubMed数据库(1984年1月至2014年3月)、万方数据(2002年1月至2014年3月)、CNKI 期刊全文数据库(2002年1月至2014年3月)中有关骨质疏松的数据。结果与结论:骨质疏松的危险因素主要有性别、年龄、种族、家族史、激素水平等不可控制的因素和饮食、疾病、用药和生活方式等可以控制的因素,积极控制以上危险因素,对于预防骨质疏松的异常具有重要意义。
Abstract: Background: The elderly increases with age, bone mass will generally reduce, osteoporosis is a disease associated with aging, but it is also a disease closely related to genetic and environmental factors. Objective: To review risk factors for osteoporosis. Method: Computer searches the osteoporosis-related data in PubMed database (January 1984 to March 2014), Wanfang data (from January 2002 to March 2014) and CNKI journal full-text database (from January 2002 to March 2014). Results and Conclusion: Major risk factors for osteoporosis include the uncontrollable factors such as gender, age, race, family history, hormone levels and controlled factors such as diseases, medications and diet and lifestyle; positive control over risk factors are important for exceptions to prevent osteoporosis.
文章引用:朱红军, 路瀛, 林敏, 陈奕佳, 袁晨曦, 邹俊. 导致骨质疏松症的危险因素的分析研究[J]. 医学诊断, 2014, 4(2): 15-20. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MD.2014.42003


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