Investigation of Internet of Things Technology Used in Emergency Logistics Based on the Suitability
DOI: 10.12677/MSE.2014.32006, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,112  浏览: 8,392 
作者: 赵 越, 赵启兰:北京交通大学,经济管理学院,北京
关键词: 物联网技术应急物资适配度Internet of Things Technology Emergency Materials Fitness
摘要: 本文基于任务技术适配模型(TTF)提出了物资技术适配模型(MTF),用于分析物联网技术应用于应急物资储备环节时,物资与物联网技术的适配度问题。提出影响适配度的因素以及各影响因素的权重,并以部分应急物资为例分析了各物资在储备环节中与物联网技术的适配度以及它们的相对大小。本文为在资金有限的情况下,在应急物资储备环节中如何应用物联网技术以达到更好的储备效果提供了可参考的研究思路。
Abstract: The paper proposes MTF model based on TTF model to analyze the fitness of emergency materials and the Internet of Things Technology when using Internet of Things Technology in emergency materials reserve. The paper also proposes the factors that influence the fitness and their weight, and then takes some materials as examples to analyze the fitness and compare the results. The paper proposes a method to consider how to use Internet of Things Technology in emergency ma-terials reserve to get a better result when money is limited.
文章引用:赵越, 赵启兰. 基于适配性的物联网技术在应急物流中的应用探讨[J]. 管理科学与工程, 2014, 3(2): 39-44. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MSE.2014.32006


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