College English Education Performance Evaluation Based on Systems Theory
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2014.42003, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,988  浏览: 10,692  国家科技经费支持
作者: 段惠琼:奥克兰大学教育学院,奥克兰;南昌航空大学外国语学院,南昌;劳伦斯.张:奥克兰大学教育学院,奥克兰;冯凯:南昌航空大学飞行器学院,南昌
关键词: 大学教育绩效评估系统论(Draft 2008)College Education Performance Evaluation Systems Theory (Draft 2008)
摘要: 伴随高教规模扩大,各校承受着日益增大的财政压力,家长和学生承担着学费攀升带来的沉重经济负担。如何评价一所大学履行教育使命的能力成为知识经济时代必须考虑的问题。高校管理部门、家长和学生迫切希望了解目前的投入与产出是否相称。文章以某省高校为样本,以Draft(2008)系统论为理论框架,并据此确定绩效评估指标;接着进行数据编程,分析数据结果,得出当前非有效决策单元和有效决策单元。在分析有效决策单元和非有效单元的产生原因后,提出了解决非有效决策单元的建议。本评估目的不仅限于将被评估高校归为有效和非有效决策单元,更希望用评估发现问题,提出相应解决办法,为我国高校进一步改进工作提高科学合理依据,促进高校更加健康高效率发展。
Abstract: With the expanding scale of higher education, colleges and universities are under enormous finan-cial pressure; parents and students have to bear a heavy economic burden caused by rising tuition. How to evaluate the ability to fulfill the mission of a university in the knowledge economy era has become an urgent issue, which needs to be carefully considered. University administrators, parents and students are eager to know whether the current input and output match or not. In this article, samples of provincial Colleges and Universities are selected as research subjects, Draft’s (2008) Systems Theory is used as the theoretical framework for determining our evaluation indexes. Fol-lowed by data programming, and according to the results obtained, current non-effective deci-sion-making units and effective decision making units are located. Causes of non-effective units are analyzed. Ideas and countermeasures to solve the non-effective decision-making units are proposed. The purpose of this evaluation is not limited to simply evaluate non-effective and effective decision-units among these universities. It is to discover problems with university education as-sessment, and propose appropriate solutions for our universities to further improve their work on scientific and rational basis. It is our hope that colleges and universities are able to have a more healthy and higher efficient development.
文章引用:段惠琼, 劳伦斯.张, 冯凯. 系统论视角的大学英语教育绩效评估[J]. 现代管理, 2014, 4(2): 13-20. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MM.2014.42003


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