On Symbolism in Mansfield’s Short Stories
DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2014.22004, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,200  浏览: 10,198  科研立项经费支持
作者: 郭海霞:上海海事大学,外国语学院,上海
关键词: 曼斯菲尔德短篇小说象征手法现代主义Mansfield Short Stories Symbolism Modernism
摘要: 目前国内外对于曼斯菲尔德短篇小说所体现的现代主义特征已有不少研究,但是对于她作品中所体现出的象征手法至今尚缺乏系统而充分的阐释和分析。该文试图弥补这方面的欠缺,将从物品、自然景物及场景、小说标题和人物的动作和行为等四个方面对曼斯菲尔德短篇小说所体现的象征主义进行深入的探讨,力图从一个新的视角加深对曼斯菲尔德短篇小说的理解和阐释。
Abstract: Until now, there is much study on the features of modernism reflected in Mansfield’s short stories. However, an all-round study on her characteristic of symbolism is always neglected, and there has been no due and convincing interpretation of it up to now. This paper intends to make a thorough analysis of her unique symbolism in Mansfield’s short stories and tries to interpret from four perspectives: items, natural scenery and setting, title of the novel and the character's actions and behavior.
文章引用:郭海霞. 论曼斯菲尔德短篇小说中的象征手法[J]. 世界文学研究, 2014, 2(2): 22-27. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2014.22004


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