Liberty and Liberty’s Dilemma—Analysis of Jean-Jacques Rousseau from His Work“Reveries of a Solitary Walker”
DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2014.22003, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,043  浏览: 10,053 
作者: 刘子旻:西南大学含弘学院,重庆
关键词: 卢梭自由幸福感性Jean-Jacques Rousseau Liberty Happiness Sensibility
摘要: 作为“自然与真理之子”,卢梭终其一生都在追求他理想的自由和幸福,然而这样一位饱含情感的思想巨人却不被当时的世人所接受。这位死后哀荣备至的思想家生前遭受着深沉的磨难和痛苦。本文深入解读《孤独漫步者的遐想》,讨论了卢梭眼中的自由、追求自由的方法以及其向往自由而不得的三条原因:矛盾的自我认知;矛盾的人世观;矛盾的出走心态。其实一定程度上讲,卢梭所经历的也正是人类共同的精神困境——追求自由的欲望最终成了围困我们的泥沼,挣扎越狠,沦陷就越深。
Abstract: As a "child of nature and truth", Rousseau had been pursuing his ideal of freedom and happiness throughout his life. However, such a mental giant was not accepted by his peers at that time. He had experienced no honor or respect but criticism and misunderstandings until his quiet death. By studying his last work “Reveries of a Solitary Walker”, this article talks about the spirit of liberty in Rousseau’s eyes and his personal way to get liberty. What’s more, here we come to a deep analysis of the reasons why Rousseau cannot obtain the liberty: his paradoxical view of himself, humanity and the world. To some extent, what Rousseau had gone through mentally falls on almost every people from different generations. The dilemma is that the pursuit of liberty will not lead us to spiritual freedom while the strong desire of pursuing liberty is just like a morass. The more we struggle, the deeper we fall.
文章引用:刘子旻. 自由和自由的困境——由《孤独漫步者的遐想》透视卢梭[J]. 世界文学研究, 2014, 2(2): 15-21. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2014.22003