Research Progress on Plant Tissue Culture System of Saving Energy and Reducing Consumption
DOI: 10.12677/BR.2014.33015, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,724  浏览: 11,015  科研立项经费支持
作者: 李国树, 徐成东:楚雄师范学院化学与生命科学系,楚雄;滇中高原生物资源开发与利用研究所,楚雄;王波, 李天星, 梁晓华:楚雄师范学院化学与生命科学系,楚雄
关键词: 节能降耗无菌研究进展植物组织培养Saving Energy and Reducing Consumption Sterile The Research Progress Plant Tissue Culture
摘要: 植物组织培养已广泛应用于农业、林业、医药、化工等领域,在组培中存在经费投入多、能源消耗量大、无菌操作需要大量技术人员等现状。本文综述了组培环节中外植体消毒、培养基支撑物替代与循环利用、应用抗菌剂和抑菌剂抑制培养基及培养物污染、采用自然光照和大棚温度来代替组培日光灯光照等方面降低植物组织培养生产成本、节能降耗的的研究进展,并提出进一步降低组培成本、简化生产工艺的发展方向。
Abstract: Plant tissue culture technology has been widely used in agriculture, medicine and chemical indus- try, etc. But there exist large investment, a large amount of energy consumption, need of a large number of technical personnel for aseptic operation, such as the status quo. This paper compre- hensively introduces the measures to reduce the production cost, save energy and reduce consumption during the whole process of plant tissue culture, which include explant disinfection, alternative and recycling of media supports, application of antibacterial agent and bacteriostasis on the inhibition of media and cultures pollution, using natural light and greenhouse temperature instead of fluorescent lamps. Perspectives to further reduce the costs and simplify the production processes are also put forward in this paper.
文章引用:李国树, 徐成东, 王波, 李天星, 梁晓华. 植物组织培养节能降耗研究进展[J]. 植物学研究, 2014, 3(3): 105-110. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/BR.2014.33015


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