Difference of Radius between Inner Wheels for Vehicles on Urban Road and Safety Countermeasures
DOI: 10.12677/OJTT.2014.33011, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 4,023  浏览: 11,164  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 王睿弩, 钱红波, 谭学飞, 谭晓艳:上海海事大学交通运输学院,上海
关键词: 大货车转弯半径内轮差城市道路交叉口Large Truck Turning Radius Difference of Radius between Inner Wheels Urban Road Intersection
摘要: 大型车辆内轮差是城市道路交叉口的重要安全隐患之一,本文通过车辆行驶轨迹软件对半挂汽车列车转弯时的行驶轨迹进行可视化模拟,并对内轮差产生机理及特征进行分析,试图从内轮差对交通安全的影响入手,提出非拖挂车辆与半挂汽车列车在不同道路转弯半径下的内轮差计算公式,并进一步从交通设计、信号控制、监管与教育等方面提出相应的与内轮差相关的事故预防对策,以降低内轮差给城市道路造成的安全隐患。
Abstract: Difference of Radius between Inner Wheels is a potential safety hazard for road traffic. According to the traveling track of vehicles, this paper analyzes the causation and characteristics of the Difference of Radius between Inner Wheels, gives methods of the calculation for the difference based on turning radius of urban road, and then puts forward some corresponding safety countermeasures. The research results show that some specific countermeasures from the traffic management and education, the vehicle design and the traffic design can be taken to reduce the potential safety hazard from Difference of Radius between Inner Wheels.
文章引用:王睿弩, 钱红波, 谭学飞, 谭晓艳. 基于道路转弯半径的内轮差计算及安全对策[J]. 交通技术, 2014, 3(3): 72-79. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJTT.2014.33011


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