Neural Mechanism of Bodily Expression Processing
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.43069, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 2,907  浏览: 11,614  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 范 聪, 陈顺森, 张灵聪:闽南师范大学教育学院,漳州
关键词: 身体表情情绪加工神经机制注意资源Bodily Expression Emotion Processing Neural Mechanism Attentional Resources
摘要: 近些年来,身体表情加工已成为情绪加工研究中的一个重要领域。为深入了解身体表情加工的内在机制,越来越多的国外研究者使用事件相关电位、功能性磁共振以及脑磁图等技术研究身体表情加工的神经机制,并且发现,情绪与行为是紧密联系的;身体表情在情绪加工过程中存在三个潜在的作用机制;注意资源调节异常和正常被试对身体表情的加工。未来研究可以从面孔表情对身体表情情绪加工的影响,身体表情的情绪效价和情绪唤醒度与注意资源的关系等方面来开展。
Abstract: In recent years, bodily expression perception has become an important field in the research of emotional processing. In order to deeply know of the intrinsic mechanisms of processing bodily expressions, an increasing number of foreign researchers have used event-related potential, magneto encephalography and functional magnetic resonance techniques to investigate the neural mechanisms of processing bodily expressions. They found that emotion and behavior are closely associated, and that three possible mechanisms may explain the roles of bodily expression in emotional processing, and that the processing of bodily expression is modulated by attentional resources in abnormal and normal participants. Future researches can examine the effect of facial expression on processing bodily expression, and the relationship between attentional resources and valence of bodily expressions, as well as the relationship between attentional resources and arousal of bodily expressions.
文章引用:范聪, 陈顺森, 张灵聪 (2014). 身体表情加工的神经机制. 心理学进展, 4(3), 506-514. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.43069


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