Integration of Card Board Games Design and Traditional Culture
DOI: 10.12677/ARL.2014.32004, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,738  浏览: 11,354  国家科技经费支持
作者: 姜语锐, 李 丹, 仓诗建:天津科技大学艺术设计学院,天津
关键词: 卡牌桌面游戏中国传统文化设计要素设计原则Card Board Games Chinese Traditional Culture Design Elements Design Principles
摘要: 在人类文明大融合的背景下,中国传统文化正受西方文化的侵蚀而面临严重危机。寻找传承中国传统文化切实有效的方法是当前文化产业领域亟待解决的问题,把传统文化元素融合到现代卡牌桌面游戏设计中是其中一个行之有效的途径。卡牌桌面游戏设计与传统文化融合是现代文化发展的必然趋势,一方面现代卡牌桌面游戏需要传统文化元素作为创作取材的重要来源,提升卡牌桌面游戏蕴含的文化内涵;另一方面部分传统文化以卡牌桌面游戏为载体,拓宽了传统文化传承和发展的途径。通过对传统文化中文学、美术表现技法、历史故事、神话传说等元素的分析,为现代卡牌桌面游戏提供了清晰的设计思路,同时也推动了自身发展。
Abstract: In the context of great fusion of human civilization, Chinese traditional culture is greatly threatened due to the erosion of western modern culture. Currently, finding efficient and effective solutions to inherit Chinese traditional culture is a pressing issue. The method of integration of card board games and Chinese traditional culture is one of them, which is a natural outcome of the development of modern culture. On one hand, it is necessary for card board games to obtain creation resources from Chinese traditional culture, and promote the significance of culture in it. On the other hand, card board games can be regarded as an effective carrier for Chinese traditional culture, which can broaden channels for inheriting and developing Chinese traditional culture. Through the analysis of literature, expression techniques of art, myths and legends, historical stories, et al. in Chinese traditional culture, a clear design idea is proposed for modern card board games, and meanwhile self-development of which is also promoted.
文章引用:姜语锐, 李丹, 仓诗建. 卡牌桌面游戏设计与传统文化的融合[J]. 艺术研究快报, 2014, 3(2): 18-24. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ARL.2014.32004


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