Using Solution-Focused Group Counseling for Students in School
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.43B002, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 2,969  浏览: 8,848 
作者: 陈怡君*:亚洲大学心理所咨商组,台中;宋妍洁*:草屯疗养院,南投
关键词: 焦点解决短期咨商焦点解决短期咨商团体Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Solution-Focused Brief Group Counseling

本研究主要目的为介绍焦点解决短期咨商模式,及探讨如何以焦点解决短期咨商(solution-focused brief counseling,简称SFBC)以团体咨商方式应用于学校,进行咨商服务工作。为配合学校供需法则,团体咨商提供了更符合经济效率的服务内容。然而在过去研究中关于焦点解决短期团体介入学校咨商服务讨论应用上什少。故本研究将着力于介绍焦点解决短期咨商以及讨论焦点解决短期咨商以团体咨商方式应用于学校学生,以协助学校实务工作者于工作中之参考与应用。

The purpose of this research tended to introduce solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) and discussed how it applied in group counseling in school. Group counseling provided more economical efficiency services as schools needed. However, there were rarely mentioned in previous studies. For helping practitioners in schools, this study was aimed to introduce SFBT and discussed the documents about using solution-focused group counseling.

文章引用:陈怡君, 宋妍洁 (2014). 焦点解决短期咨商模式以团体咨商方式应用于学校学生之概论. 心理学进展, 4(3), 7-11. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.43B002


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