Impact Factor Analysis of Undergraduate Innovative Thinking——The Empirical Analysis Based on Bivariate Correlation
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2014.22004, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,900  浏览: 10,535  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 卑雨潇, 陈雪波, 姜 鑫:辽宁科技大学研究生院,鞍山;孙秋柏:辽宁科技大学工商管理学院,鞍山
关键词: 大学生创新思维影响因素双变量相关分析Undergraduate Innovative Thinking Impact Factor Bivariate Correlation Analysis
摘要: 针对国内大学生创新思维能力不尽人意的情况,对辽宁科技大学师生进行问卷调查,利用信度分析与因子分析确定了教师自身、学生自身、社会环境、家庭环境、网络环境、学校的体制与机制、物质7个影响因素,以及包括社会从众心理、社会文化等30个题项,通过构建影响大学生创新思维的框图,并对各个因素进行双变量相关分析以验证大学生创新思维影响因素理论假设的正确性。研究表明:社会环境与家庭环境通过影响学生与教师的各个方面因素进而影响学生的创新思维,社会环境与家庭环境是决定大学生创新思维水平高低的根本因素。在此基础上,对进一步培养和提高大学生的创新能力提出了可行性建议
Abstract: Considering the situation of undergraduate innovative thinking, a survey of professors and students has been done in University of Science and Technology Liaoning. Seven main factors are selected as the common impact factors by reliability analysis and factor analysis, including professors, students, social environment, family environment, network environment, school system and substance. 30 influencing factors belong to seven main factors, such as conformity and culture, etc. The block diagram is built on the impact factors of innovative thinking and the bivariate correlation analysis in various factors is carried out to verify theoretical assumptions. The results show that the undergraduate innovation thinking can be indirectly influenced by social environment and family. Both social environment and family environment are primary factors of innovative thinking. On this basis, some feasibility recommendations are proposed.
文章引用:卑雨潇, 孙秋柏, 陈雪波, 姜鑫. 大学生创新思维影响因素的分析——基于双变量相关分析的实证[J]. 创新教育研究, 2014, 2(2): 17-25. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CES.2014.22004


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