Studies on the Technology of Artificial Domestication and Reproduction of Barbodes fuxianensis
DOI: 10.12677/ojfr.2014.11005, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,769  浏览: 7,982 
作者: 张四春, 张友存:江川县水产技术推广站,云南省江川县;夏黎亮:玉溪市水产工作站,玉溪;王春勇:通海县水产工作站,云南省通海县;杨崇保:玉溪市古生态抗浪鱼科研保护中心,玉溪;彭 军*, 黄 茂:昆明市水产科学研究所,昆明
关键词: 抚仙四须鲃驯养人工繁殖技术研究Barbodes fuxianensis Domestication Artificial Reproduction Technical Study
摘要: 2003年起在抚仙四须鲃(Barbodes fuxianensis)的原产地抚仙湖中采集抚仙四须鲃原种,于抚仙湖岸玉溪市古生态抗浪鱼科研保护中心经池塘人工驯养、培育,2009年首次利用性腺发育成熟的抚仙四须鲃亲鱼,分别采取模拟自然生态条件和人工注射激素催产、干法授精两种方法开展抚仙四须鲃繁殖技术研究。模拟自然生态条件繁殖技术研究至今尚未取得成功;人工注射激素催产、干法授精繁殖技术研究,采取注射促黄体生成素释放激素类似物(LRH-A2) + 马来酸地欧酮(DOM)进行人工催产、干法授精,2009年即获得受精卵,受精率达70%以上,受精卵采用室外孵化箱池塘静水孵化和室内孵化盆静水孵化,孵化率均达85%以上,人工繁殖获得成功。2009年至今5年采用相同技术开展人工繁殖均取得成功,其中2009年人工繁殖的子一代鱼苗通过精心培育,2013年达到性成熟,成功繁殖出子二代鱼苗。
Abstract: Since 2003, the protospecies of Barbodes fuxianensis, collected from their patria Fuxian Lake, have been domesticated and bred at Yuxi Paleoecological Schizothorax Taliensis Scientific Research and Conservation Center. In 2009, for the first time, Barbodes fuxianensis with well developed gonad were used to research the technology of artificial domestication and reproduction of Barbodes fuxianensis. Two methods have been adopted in the research-simulating natural ecological environment for Barbodes fuxianensis to reproduce: artificially injecting hormone to induce spawning and using dry method of artificial fertilization. The former method has not succeeded so far, while fertilized eggs (whose fertilization rate was over 70%) were obtained in 2009 by injecting luteinizing hormone to release hormone analogue and using the dry method of artificial fertilization. Hydrostatic incubation in outdoor incubator and hydrostatic incubation in indoor incubator have made the hatchability of fertilized eggs over 85%, indicating that the artificial propagation of Barbodes fuxianensis has succeeded. During the past five years, all the artificial propagation experiments which used the same technology have achieved success. In 2013, the first filial generation of Barbodes fuxianensis, artificially bred in 2009, has matured sexually and reproduced the second generation successfully.
文章引用:张四春, 张友存, 夏黎亮, 王春勇, 杨崇保, 彭军, 黄茂. 抚仙四须鲃人工驯养繁殖技术研究[J]. 水产研究, 2014, 1(1): 36-41. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ojfr.2014.11005