Director Sheng Canruo’s Treating Method of Invigorating Qi for Ascending with Visceral Ptosis
DOI: 10.12677/TCM.2014.32009, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,831  浏览: 7,490 
作者: 胡津丽, 夏 晨, 陈 栋:江苏省中医院针灸康复科盛灿若全国名老中医药传承工作室,南京
关键词: 盛灿若益气升提法子宫下垂胃下垂肾下垂Sheng Canruo Treating Method of Invigorating Qi for Ascending Uterine Prolapsed Gastroptosis Nephroptosis
摘要: 内脏下垂在临床多为气虚下陷所致,盛灿若主任以健脾补肾,益气升提为法,治疗子宫脱垂;以长针提胃法次,从鸠尾进针,刺至神阙穴上方,治疗胃下垂。以补肾益气升提为法,取俞募配穴为主治疗肾下垂。盛主任取穴精、针法独特,治愈多例内脏下垂
Abstract: Visceral ptosis is always caused by Qi subsidence clinically. Director Sheng Canruo treats uterine prolapse with method of invigorating the spleen and tonifying the kidney, invigorating qi for as- cending. He treats gastroptosis with the method of long needle lifting the stomach by inserting the needle from Jiuwei to the above of Shenque point. In order to treat nephroptosis, he uses the me- thod of tonifying the kidney to ascend qi which is taking the viscera Back-shu and Front-Mu points. Director Sheng takes acupoints precisely with unique needling method and has cured many cases of visceral ptosis.
文章引用:胡津丽, 夏晨, 陈栋. 盛灿若益气升提法治疗内脏下垂[J]. 中医学, 2014, 3(2): 34-37. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/TCM.2014.32009