The Overview of the Study on Leisure Psychology
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.43055, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,354  浏览: 14,073 
作者: 杨 茜, 赵清清, 黄玉纤, 张进辅:西南大学西南民族教育与心理研究中心,重庆
关键词: 休闲心理休闲动机休闲障碍畅爽Leisure Psychology Motivation of Leisure Constraints of Leisure Flow
摘要: 休闲是指在非劳动及非工作时间内以进行的,为达到身心放松、体能恢复、心情愉悦、自我提升的目的的一种业余活动或生活状态。休闲心理深刻影响着人类生活的方方面面,本文详细阐述了人们对休闲的认识和理解,从休闲动机、休闲障碍、休闲体验几个方面介绍了休闲心理的理论框架和研究成果,并且分析了我国对于休闲心理研究的贡献,并提出了当前休闲心理研究的不足和未来研究的方向。
Abstract: Leisure is a kind of free-time activity and living condition, happening in spare time, with the purpose of body and mind relaxing, physical recovering, mood inspiring and self-improvement. Leisure psychology has a great influence on people’s lives. The present paper has analyzed the previous study about the concept of leisure, the research on leisure psychology from motivation of leisure, constraints of leisure and leisure experiences, and the contribution from China, then has summarized the shortage of present study and talked about future study.

文章引用:杨茜, 赵清清, 黄玉纤, 张进辅 (2014). 休闲心理研究现状评述. 心理学进展, 4(3), 393-399. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.43055


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