The Effect of Attention to Self-Related Information
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.43053, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,082  浏览: 13,254 
作者: 王 芳, 杨红升, 顾念君:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 自我信息注意捕获鸡尾酒会效应Self-Related Information Attention Capture Cocktail-Party Effect
摘要: 关于自我信息能否捕获注意在不同的实验范式中得到的结论并不一致,从而引发诸多争议。本文分别比较了自我姓名和自我面孔在不同实验范式中对注意的影响,大量研究证明自己的名字只有在注意焦点内才能捕获注意;而当实验任务不同时,自我面孔即使都在注意焦点内呈现,得到的结果也不尽相同,从而表明在考察和比较名字和面孔等自我信息对注意的影响作用时,既要考虑实验范式在其中所起的作用,也要兼顾不同的自我信息本身所具有的特点。在今后的研究中则需要进一步考察熟悉性对自我信息在注意捕获中所起的作用,以及自我信息的注意性质。
Abstract: Studies of attention capture by self-related information have reached inconsistent results, so there is much debate about whether self-related information can capture attention automatically. Given this, the current paper compared effect of self-face and self-name on attention in different researches. The self-name captured attention when presented at the focus of attention, however, the self-face reached contradictory outcomes when presented at fixation among the different tasks. These results indicate that it should take experimental tasks and the specific features of self-re- lated information into account, when the effect of self-face and self-name on attention is explored. The future research should explore the effect of familiarity on attention capture for self-related information and the processing of attention to self-related information.
文章引用:王芳, 杨红升, 顾念君 (2014). 自我信息对注意的影响. 心理学进展, 4(3), 375-383. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.43053


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