A Brief Analysis of Current Situation of Circular Agriculture in Agricultural Economy Development
DOI: 10.12677/HJAS.2014.42007, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,541  浏览: 12,123 
作者: 车寒梅, 张胜平, 张淑敏, 赵海增:邯郸市蔬菜技术站,邯郸;程 颖:邯郸市农机监理所,邯郸
关键词: 循环农业农业经济发展Circular Agriculture; Agricultural Economy; Development
摘要: 文章介绍了当前我国农业经济发展面临的主要障碍,阐述循环农业的特征及优势,以江苏省蒋巷村为例探讨了循环农业模式对当地农业经济发展的有效促进作用,同时以山东省王村镇为例总结了当地在促进农业经济发展中循环农业模式未能有效实施的特殊原因。本文综述了我国循环农业在当前农业经济发展中的现状,为不同地区发展循环农业提供了参考。
Abstract: The main obstacles of agricultural economy at present were analyzed, which demonstrated the features and advantages of circular agriculture. The effective promotion of the circulation agriculture on the economic development of local agriculture was discussed as an example of Jiangxiang Village in Jiangsu Province; the reason of cycle agriculture model failing to effectively implement in promoting local agricultural economic development was analyzed as an example of the Wangcun Town in Shandong Province. The paper describes the current situation in agricultural economic development of the circulation agriculture, for providing references of different areas to develop circular agriculture.
文章引用:车寒梅, 张胜平, 程颖, 张淑敏, 赵海增. 浅析循环农业在当前农业经济发展中的现状[J]. 农业科学, 2014, 4(2): 38-43. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJAS.2014.42007


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