Review of Marital Satisfaction
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.42048, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 4,042  浏览: 9,233 
作者: 连东琴, 史慧颖, 范玲霞:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 婚姻满意度原生家庭婚姻期待Marital Satisfaction; Original Family; Expectation of Marriage
摘要: 婚姻满意度一词最初由美国社会学家Hamilton(1929)在《婚姻研究》一书中提出的。Hamilton认为,婚姻满意度主要是指已婚夫妇对其所处婚姻关系的主观评价,且婚姻满意度的高低对于婚姻的稳定性及婚姻质量有重要影响。研究发现,婚姻形成并维持婚姻满意时,将有助于社会利益的保障(如减少犯罪等)和家庭人员的身心健康。而失和,破碎的婚姻,对夫妻双方和子女的身心健康都有非常负面的伤害与影响。本文拟结合国内外近年来对婚姻满意度的研究,对婚姻满意度的理论基础,影响因素,测量工具进行系统梳理。指出未来的研究需要进一步界定的婚姻满意度的内涵和外延,在婚姻满意度问卷的维度构成方面达成共识,使对婚姻满意度的研究方法能更多元,影响因素的探讨更深入,本土化研究特点更浓厚。以期形成研究婚姻满意度的一个综合模型,建立婚姻满意度研究的理论架构
Abstract: Marital satisfaction was initially proposed in the book “marriage study” written by American sociologist Hamilton. It points to the subjective rating of marriage relationship made by married cou- ples, which largely affects the stability and level of marriage. Study has shown that high levels of marital satisfaction benefit to individual mental health and decrease the rate of crime. Disharmonious marriage, however, has negative effect on mental health of couples and their children. The present study reviews the related research of marital satisfaction at home and broad and describes the theoretical basis, impact factors and measuring tools systematically. We also try to explore the future directions, proposing that connotation and denotation of marital satisfaction should be specified further, multiple research methods should be applied, and that further investigation of impact factors and increase of localizing researches should be thought. We are aiming to promote a comprehensive model of marital satisfaction theory and provide a theory construct for further exploration.
文章引用:连东琴, 史慧颖, 范玲霞. 婚姻满意度的研究述评[J]. 心理学进展, 2014, 4(2): 338-343. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.42048


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