Review on the Neural Mechanisms of Transitive Inference
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.42035, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,712  浏览: 12,475  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 李益娟, 苗小翠, 汪孟允, 张仲明:西南大学心理学部,认知与人格教育部重点实验室,重庆
关键词: 传递性推理神经机制神经环路激活海马Transitive Inference; Neural Mechanisms; Neural Circuitry; Activation; Hippocampus
摘要: 探讨高级认知过程(如推理、问题解决等)的神经机制已经成为目前心理学研究的热点,文章回顾并总结了近年来对传递性推理的神经机制的研究进展,具体内容涉及:1) 传递性推理与非传递性推理作用脑区的差异;2) 不同项数和材料激活脑区的差异;3) 海马在传递性推理中的作用;4) 传递性推理的神经环路。立足对研究现状的逐层深入思考,文章最后对传递性推理神经机制的未来研究方向和方法进行了展望。
Abstract: Probing the neural mechanism of advanced cognitive progresses (such as inference, problem solving, etc.) has become the hot issue of current psychological research. This article reviewed the latest researches on the neural mechanisms of transitive inference: 1) transitive inference and non-transitive inference will result in different activation; 2) different material and number of item of transitive reasoning will result in different activation; 3) the role of hippocampus in the transitive inference; and 4) there is a neural circuitry of transitive inference. In the end, some frequently used methods were listed and some reflections were provided for the future.
文章引用:李益娟, 苗小翠, 汪孟允, 张仲明. 传递性推理的神经机制研究[J]. 心理学进展, 2014, 4(2): 232-238. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.42035


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