Statistical Analysis of Student Score
DOI: 10.12677/SA.2014.31001, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,705  浏览: 9,630 
作者: 龚 笛:上海市尚文中学,上海;姜 荣:同济大学数学系,上海
关键词: 学生成绩概率统计线性回归Student Score; Probability and Statistics; Linear Regression
摘要: 学生考试成绩的分析是教学研究的一个重要课题。以一个年级的期中考试成绩为案例,用基本统计的思想和方法提取出对学生和老师各自有用的信息,给出年级总体和学生个人成绩信息表。对年级成绩信息,提出“提高概率”一个新工具,来给学校建议接下来重视哪门学科;对学生个人成绩信息,提出“突破概率”、“基准线”和“奋斗目标”,有助于学生形象具体的了解自己的成绩,以及未来努力的具体目标。
Abstract: Student test score is an important topic in teaching. Taking a midterm grade test scores as an example, by using the basic ideas and methods of statistics for each of the students and teachers, the individual student grades and overall achievement information table were presented. The new method based on grade information, "increased probability", is proposed to give advice to the school leaders on which subject will be highly valued. The principles based on individual score, "breakthrough probability", "baseline" and "goal", are proposed to help students understand their own image of concrete achievements and future specific goal.
文章引用:龚笛, 姜荣. 学生成绩的统计分析[J]. 统计学与应用, 2014, 3(1): 1-6. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SA.2014.31001