The Mechanisms of Self-Control Affecting the Honest Behavior: The Moderating Model
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.42033, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,238  浏览: 11,300  国家科技经费支持
作者: 胡春香:广州大学教育学院,广州;聂衍刚:广州大学教育学院,广州;广州人心理与行为研究中心,广州
关键词: 自我控制双系统自我控制资源诚信行为调节模型Dual Systems of Self-Control; Self-Control Resource; Honest Behavior; Moderating Model
摘要: 尽管以往研究从多种自我控制理论的角度解释自我控制对诚信行为的影响,但却没有指出具体的影响机制,以及缺乏考虑神经机制和自我控制资源调节变量在其中的作用。为了更系统地解释自我控制影响诚信行为的作用机制,我们从自我控制双系统理论和自我控制资源理论的视角,提出自我控制影响诚信行为的调节作用模型,该模型认为:如果自我控制资源没有受到损耗,即个体有足够的自我控制资源,那么个体可以维持意识层面的个人标准,从而表现出与个人标准相符合的诚信行为;相反,如果自我控制资源损耗会使个体用于维持意识层面的个人标准的资源减少,导致个体无法维持意识层面的个人标准,潜意识层面的冲动就会使个体的自我控制失效,从而导致个体表现出不诚信的行为。未来的研究可以从自我控制影响诚信行为的调节作用模型的视角,采用动态的认知神经研究方法,探讨自我控制影响诚信行为的心理和神经机制。

Although previous studies try to explain the influence between self-control and the honest behavior from a variety perspective of the theory of self-control, but it does not indicate the specific mechanisms of the influence, and it lacks consideration of the role of neural mechanisms and resources which is the manipulated variable. In order to explain the mechanism of self-control affecting the honest behavior more systematically, we put forward the moderating model of self- control affecting the honest behavior from the perspective of the theory of dual systems of self-control and the theory of self-control resource, which is that: if the resource of self-control is not depleted, individuals can maintain the personal standards in the level of consciousness, because they have sufficient self-control resource, and demonstrate the honest behavior consistent with their personal standards; Conversely, if the self-control resource of individual is depleted, which will be used to maintain the personal standards in the level of consciousness, as a result, individuals are unable to maintain the individual standards in the level of consciousness, and the impulses in the subconscious level will make the individual's self-control failure, and show bad faith conduct. Future research could use the methods of dynamic cognitive neuroscience to explore the psychological and neural mechanisms of self-control affecting the honest behavior from the perspective of the moderating between double systems of self-control and self-control resource.

文章引用:胡春香, 聂衍刚. 自我控制影响诚信行为的机制:调节作用模型[J]. 心理学进展, 2014, 4(2): 217-223. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.42033


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